Saturday 21 March 2015

Awesome Story of true love and loyalty 

One night a husband comes home drunk and breaks, vomits and falls down on the floor. Wife pulls him up and cleans everything. Even the crockery which he broke in trying to balance himself while walking.
Next day wen he gets up in the morning with a bad headache, he expects his wife to be really angry with him. He prays that she should not start a fight. He walks outside the bedroom to find her and apologize for last night. But to his surprise, he finds a note on the table. With shivering hands, he picks it up and reads,
"Honey...your favorite breakfast is ready on the table. I had to leave early to buy grocery. I will come running back to you, my love...I love you"
He gets surprised as it was completely unexpected. He was prepared for a fight but it seemed that his wife was not even angry. He asks his son,
''What happened last night??"
Son says, "When mom pulled you to bed and tried removing your boots and shirt, you were dead drunk and you said...
"Hey Lady! Leave Me Alone...I am Married."
That's True Love He smiles and understands the reason why his wife was not angry.

Its difficult to explain the simplest truth called Love. When you are in true love, all you think about is HIM OR HER. Nothing more, nothing less!
Keep sharing and spread the love!

Friday 20 March 2015

Received it today and thought its worth sharing. Do read it! She got late at office that day and she had to go home alone. She started walking towards the auto stand but it was too late, she had to wait for an auto. She felt like someone was following her. She turned back and 'Bhoo' he said. She got scared and he laughed out loud. Her office colleague it was. "I'm here because i can't let you walk alone towards the auto stand and don't worry i'll be with you till you get an auto. You are my responsibility" he said.
After ten minutes of wait, an auto came but no passenger was in there. She knew that this could probably be the last auto to pass by. She looked in an uncomfortable manner at the auto driver."Don't worry sister, i'll drop you at your home safely. You are my responsibility" the auto driver said.She sat in. Her home was in a dark lane, she had to walk almost five minutes in the lane to reach her home. She entered the lane and a mid-aged man was smoking and looking at her.It was a neighbour.He threw the cigarette away and said "Come i'll walk with you till you reach home. Don't worry beti you are like my daughter only. You are my responsibility"The girl finally reached home safely.Every time i gave a pause in the write up, you must have felt that something wrong will happen. This fear is what our society has given us.It will no longer have an existance if every man be like that office colleague or the auto driver or the neighbour.Dear men, like your sister, mother and wife are your responsibilities, 'She' is your responsibility too. Understand if you can....!